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Protect your health and optimize your vision by visiting your optometrist for regular checkups.

Adult Eye Exams: Visit Our Optometrists in Fort McMurray, Prince Albert and NOW IN YORKTON

Adult Eye Exam

The eyes are connected to many other systems in the human body. That makes routine eye exams an important part of preventative healthcare—regardless of your age or physical health. For experienced optometrists in Fort McMurray, Prince Albert and NOW IN YORKTON, contact The Eye Centre to schedule your next appointment.

Comprehensive eye exams not only test your vision, but also give optometrists a close-up look at the inside of the eye, including blood vessels, veins and nerves, all of which may contain clues to conditions that affect your overall health.

Some of these conditions can be quite serious, which means that an eye exam can actually help save your life. The sooner an issue is detected, the better the chances of successful treatment. Eye exams are recommended every year. During your eye exam we will:

Assess your visual acuity
Ensure your corrective lens prescription is correct and current
Look for developing eye conditions
Answer any questions you may have

What to Expect During Your Eye Exam

You can expect the eye exam to take 20 minutes; however, we ensure we dedicate the time required to provide a thorough examination. You will have a diagnostic testing (usually done with an optometric assistant), and assessment and consultation with an Optometrist. If you wear corrective lenses – eyeglasses or contact lenses – please bring them with you.

Tests and Equipment Used During the Eye Exam

Eye Exam Tests Include:

  • Optomap Retinal Exam
    Annual eye examinations are vital to maintaining your vision and overall health. VISION CARE offers the Optomap Retinal Exam as an important part of our eye exams. The Optomap Retinal Exam produces an image that is as unique as your fingerprint and provides our doctors with a wide view to look at the health of your retina. The retina is the part of your eye that captures the image of what you are looking at, similar to film in a camera. Many eye problems can develop without warning and progress with no symptoms. Early on, you might not notice any change in your vision. However, diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, as well as other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can be detected with a thorough exam of the retina. An Optomap Retinal Exam provides: A scan to confirm a healthy eye or detect the presence of disease. An overview or map of the retina, giving your eye doctor a more detailed view than he can achieve by other means. The opportunity for you to view and discuss the Optomap images of your eye with your doctor at the time of your exam. A permanent record for your medical file, enabling your optometrist to make important comparisons if potential problems show themselves at a future examination. The Optomap Retinal Exam is fast, easy, and comfortable for all ages. To have the exam, you simply look into the device one eye at a time and you will see a comfortable flash of light to let you know the image of your retina has been taken. The Optomap image is shown immediately on a computer screen so we can review it with you.
  • OCT
    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina, the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. With OCT, each of the retina’s distinctive layers can be seen, allowing your optometrist to map and measure their thickness. These measurements help with early detection, diagnosis and treatment guidance for retinal diseases and conditions, including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease, among others. In addition, OCT is often used to evaluate disorders of the optic nerve. The optic nerve is made up of many nerve fibers and sends signals from your retina to your brain, where these signals are interpreted as the images you see. The OCT exam is helpful in determining changes to the fibers of the optic nerve, such as those caused by glaucoma.
  • DRP
    Digital Retinal Photography (DRP) is a cutting-edge technology which enables eye doctors to discern even the most subtle changes in your retina. This technology helps optometrists with the early detection of eye disease and in monitoring the progression of a disease and when or if to consider a referral to a sub-specialist.

The Eye Centre provides comprehensive eye exams for children and seniors too. Get in touch with the location closest to to you.



21-101 Signal Road,
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4N6


T: 780-715-0150

F: 780-715-0160



700 800 15 Street E,
Prince Albert, SK S6V 8E3


T: 306-703-0440

F: 306-703-0441



150 Broadway St E #2,

Yorkton, SK S3N 3K4


T: 306-783-6669

F: 306-783-0162



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